Borneo Fire Causing Smog in SE Asia

Sep 1, 1997 (05GMT) Composit of Visible (R and G) and InfraRed (B) channels of GMS-5, showing 100E - 120E / 10N - 10S area with 1/20 degree resolution per pixel. There is a cluster of low level cloud in the southern Borneo.

Sep 2, 1997 (05GMT)

Sep 3, 1997 (05GMT)

Sep 4, 1997 (05GMT)

Sep 5, 1997 (05GMT)

Sep 25, 1997 (05GMT) The smog-covered area extends Borneo, Peninslar Malaysia, Sumatora and wider.

Sep 29, 1997 (05GMT) This image shows wider area (70E - 120E / 20N - 10S) in 1/10 degree resolution per pixel.

Suggested further reading:
Asian Fire Crisis Deepens in TIME Daily
NOAA-14 Images in NOAA National Climatic Data Center

Redistribution of above images is unlimited as long as credits are made to Japan Meteorological Agency for the operation of GMS-5 (Geostationary Meteorological Satellite), University of Tokyo for receiving and processing the S-VISSR (Stretched signal of Visible and InfraRed Spin Scan Radiometer) and Kochi University for the final processing and publicizing the images.

Further request for research-quality images should be sent to Tokio Kikuchi.